Memories Of Lindt and An Orange-And-Chocolate Cake

When the OH returned from his big work trip to Istanbul earlier this year, he brought with him a host of souvenirs for me, bits and pieces of the place that I have always dreamt of visiting but have never got a chance to. Most of these souvenirs were of the foodie type – kestane from outside the Blue Mosque, a bag of hazelnuts that I used up in an ice cream pie, huge lemons that I made lemon ice cream with, and, of course, there had to be baklava and Turkish delight. This apart, he also brought with him some Lindt chocolates that I have always wanted to taste, but never picked up (things like Lindt are, I think, things that need to be brought home from an international trip, only very rarely to be bought in India 😛 )

Some of the Lindt chocolates that came my way from Istanbul, with much love 🙂


Now, Lindt is something else altogether, a whole league apart from ‘chocolate’. It is chocolate that is ecstasy, among the best of chocolates. We have tried out the Lindt chilli-flavoured dark chocolate in the past, only to not like it all that much. We did love the Lindt white chocolate truffles that we tried out a whole lot, though.


From the Istanbul loot, I was super duper keen to try out the Lindt Intense Orange and A Touch Of Sea Salt. Sea salt in chocolate – I had never had that before! Sadly, though, neither the OH nor I liked the Sea Salt chocs. I guess we are still traditionalists when it comes to chocolate – we, our taste buds rather, aren’t ready to accept chocolates in a flavour that is drastically different from the usual. That said, just because sea salt and chocolate is so weird a combination, at least to me, this chocolate makes it to my list of ‘offbeat things I have eaten’.

You might also be interested in reading about the other seemingly crazy things we have tried out so far: Chandan sherbet, Dark chocolate sandwich, ice cream chaat, bhoo chakra gadde, rasgulla chaat, chilli chocolate, fried ice cream, and paper sweet.:)


The Lindt Les Grandes Hazelnuts and the Intense Orange were different stories altogether. We absolutely, absolutely adored them. We gorged on them hungrily till they were no more. 🙂


The Intense Orange made me realise just how much I love the chocolate-and-oranges combination. That was why my ears were all attention when the home baker I buy from these days suggested a chocolate-and-orange cake for the OH’s birthday this year. I ended up choosing that very flavour, and the both of us loved it to bits too.


Speaking of orange-flavoured chocolate, I must tell you about Amul’s Tropical Orange chocolate that I recently spotted at a departmental store and just had to pick up. It is definitely gorgeous, even if not as gorgeous as Lindt. A slab of dark chocolate (just perfect, the right amount of sweet, not too dark, just the way I like it), flavoured with orange, with bits and pieces of orange and peel to bite on – I simply adored it. You must try it out, if you haven’t already!



Alrightie then, I am drooling with all that chocolate-eyness. I think I need to go get my chocolate fix now.

Till the next time, you guys be good. Oh, and don’t forget to try out Amul’s new range of chocolates, Tropical Orange included. (By the way, I’m telling you about these lovely sweet treats only out of the goodness of my heart, so that you can get your hands on them too, okie? I don’t have anything to gain from either Lindt or Amul by this post, I tell you!)


22 thoughts on “Memories Of Lindt and An Orange-And-Chocolate Cake

      1. Perfect excuse to go back 🙂 I went to Chennai last May for a nursing trip, and I still have a visa! Woohoo, time to look at flights. I love it there.


      2. I went to chennai and Madurai! It was incredible. And I don’t but I plan on making a post at some point! I miss it always. What I would give for idlis with chutney and sambar ! Haha


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