Day 3: Crazy chaat

Icecream chaat – one of the craziest things I have ever eaten. I initially thought I wouldn’t like the mixing of tastes – the icecream and the chaat – but I was pleasantly surprised when I tasted this confection. 🙂


For the July Photo-a-Day Challenge. The theme for today is ‘cold’.

50 thoughts on “Day 3: Crazy chaat

  1. I’m sure my brother would like this. He is that member of our family who tries all crazy combinations.

    As for me, please leave the icecream out of my chaat please. This is akin to blasphemy for me 😉


  2. reallly ?? This place where you ate is too far for me (:.will now look out for this speciality in every place I go for eating..If I dont find, I’m gonna try buying a scoop of ice-cream, and ask the regular Kanti Sweets I visit to make a spicy masala chat and mix both myself and try..


  3. Wow! I am sure I would give it a try as I love both ice cream and chaat 🙂
    When I was in Bangalore last year, I also saw ice cream pakoras… can you believe that!!?!!


  4. What??? They serve anything these days!!! But come to think of it it is like instead of putting the curd & sweet chutney they are just putting the ice cream!!! Hai na?


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