Easy Dessert Idea| The one in which we’re in love with home-made date and nut fudge

It is very rare that I come across a recipe on a foodie blog that I absolutely love and want to try out AND I have all the ingredients required to make it ready at home. What I usually do is bookmark my favourite recipes for future use and make a list of the ingredients to buy them the next time I visit the grocery store or supermarket. Unless, of course, I am so haunted by the absolutely drool-worthy pictures these blog owners put up, in which case I rush out immediately to buy the stuff I want and proceed to try out the recipe instantly. 🙂

OK, I digressed. What I was trying to say is that the rare occurrence of coming across a delectable recipe on the internet and actually having the ingredients to try it out happened yesterday. The recipe in question is for ‘Sticky date and nut squares’ or ‘No-bake date and nut fudge‘, which I came across on Bon Appetit. I made it yesterday as a surprise for the OH, and both of us are totally in love with the sticky, nutty, sweet delights. The bonus is that they are super-duper easy to make and hardly take 15 minutes to prepare AND they are healthy too. What more do you want? I can’t thank Priya of Bon Appetit enough for this lovely yet simple recipe.

So, here’s presenting to you the delicious home-made no-bake date-nut fudge:

I used the recipe on Priya’s blog with slight modifications:

Ingredients (makes 15-20 squares):

1. 250 grams of moist dates (I used Lion King)

2. 250 grams of raw almonds

3. 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

4. 3-4 tablespoons fresh fruit juice (I used Del Monte pineapple juice)


1. Combine in a mixer the moist dates (after carefully de-seeding them – this process needs to be done carefully, otherwise your mixer might go for a toss), raw almonds, cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon of the fresh fruit juice and give it a whir.

2. Open the mixer, add a bit more of the fruit juice and whir the mixture around a little more. The mixture begins to smell heavenly at this point, I kid you not.

3. Repeat step 2 till you get a nice, coarse paste which is not too wet and not too dry.

4. Spoon the mixture into a tin box greased with cocoa powder and level it. Keep it in the refrigerator for about an hour to set it. Now, this is a highly difficult step, I tell you, because all you want to do is grab the box from the refrigerator and lay your hands on the fudge. 🙂

5. After an hour, cut up the fudge into small squares and store them in an airtight box in the refrigerator. Tastes best when cool.

Note: The original recipe calls for almonds as well as cashewnuts. I did not add cashewnuts as I did not have them, and had a bumper stock of almonds. I guess adding 125 grams of almonds and 125 grams of cashewnuts to the above recipe would be ideal. Even without the cashews too, the fudge tasted yummy.

Are you interested in trying this out, too? I know I am going to make this all the time now, especially when we will be having guests over. I have always struggled with making sweets at home for guests, and this seems to be the perfect recipe for me. 🙂

46 thoughts on “Easy Dessert Idea| The one in which we’re in love with home-made date and nut fudge

  1. Bookmarked….I have got two packets of Lion dates sitting from a while, now your yummy recipe is going to be a perfect way to put them to use 😀 😀
    One question: Should the juice be pineapple only? or any juice is OK, I mean is Orange juice fine too ?


    1. @My Era

      Hope you like it too. 🙂

      The original recipe calls for any fruit juice, Priya (on whose blog I saw the recipe) used mixed fruit juice. I happened to have pineapple juice and hence, used it. I am sure orange juice would do just as fine. 🙂


  2. Reads simple but must be really delicious ..Will let you know how it comes when I try it..Maybe the first thing I should cook after I am up & about 🙂


      1. It’s no secret or anything. Have very low hamemoglobin plus low levels of good cholesterol (HDL) – have to increase both thro high-iron foods (such as dates) and high HDL foods (almonds, walnuts etc)
        I don’t get dates at my local grocery store 😦 somehow does not seem too popular in gurgaon 😦


      1. Gotzu turned out yummy yum yum TGND 🙂 I have another bowl f it in the fridge 😛
        I know you were curious 🙂 Oshooooo ! Nalla TGND 🙂


  3. Oh boy ! Oh boy! dates and almonds and cocoa (maybe khoya) and pineapple – why that’s like creating the powerpuff girls – sugar and spice and everythign nice! 🙂
    I will try this. I am making a trip to Li’l India mostly today and lemme catch hold of some dates if I do go there 🙂


      1. I am sure I will 🙂
        I tried the veggie omelette as you know. I make the bitter gourd gotzu just the same way as you shared and made it last night and got it for lunch today as well 😛
        I have a raw mango in the fridge – waiting to try the Kerala style kozhambu. I will this weekend 😛
        I want to really try all of it TGND but a bit busy with exams and work. See, I just let K take over at times and that results in paneer dishes 75% of the time. Not to forget half a kg capsicum per meal.


  4. Wish you had posted the recipe yesterday . I was in the supermarket. I so want ot try this, now I have to go today again 😦


  5. Now this is one yummy recipe…thanks for sharing TGND 🙂
    Can you do away with the cocoa powder here? Does it affect the taste too much? I am not a big fan of cocoa, hence asking 😉


    1. @Visha

      You are most welcome! 🙂

      The cocoa powder is used to add a bit of bitter taste to the very sweet tastes. Along with the cashewnuts and almonds, it balances the sweet taste, I am guessing.

      I am not sure, but I guess you can do away with the cocoa powder. Should not affect the recipe. Maybe you could try using a bit of unsweetened khoya/mawa?


  6. Note to self – Go to the shop and get dates..and MAKE THIS OVER THE WEEKEND TO take away the rainy day blues

    Thanks TGND! the lazy me is sure going to try this… 🙂


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