That Feeling…

… of harvesting fresh produce with your own hands, vegetables that you have grown painstakingly in your own home, in your balcony garden.

… of cooking a simple lunch with vegetables gathered from your very own home.

… of knowing that you can pluck the veggies fresh whenever you want to cook them, that they’re there for you, waiting, and that you don’t need to buy them in bulk and store them in the refrigerator for days on end.

Strawberries in the making… we’ll, hopefully, get our hands on some if the squirrels decide to leave them for us.

… of knowing exactly what has gone into your food.

… of knowing that you are feeding food as fresh as it comes, to your family.

… of knowing that you will be able to survive on home-grown vegetables, at least for a few days, if you happen to be stuck at home for some reason.

Spinach aka palak… just look at all that gorgeousness!

… of knowing that your daughter knows that tomatoes and coriander and spinach grow on plants, and not off supermarket shelves.

… of being able to teach your daughter, first-hand, the value of home-grown food, love and compassion, the work that goes into growing something.

Coriander.. waiting to be plundered

… of communing with nature, feeling like you are a part of something primitive, part of an ancient tribe that believes in self-sufficiency at least to a certain extent.

… of knowing that this kind of self-sufficiency, in terms of food, is something you could get used to, that there is more to come, that this is just the beginning, not an end.

… of knowing that there is nothing sweeter and fresher than home-grown food, that nothing could beat that.

A black nightshade aka manathankali plant in bloom.. Bubboo loves eating the ripe berries off this plant!

… of wonder at the potential that such a little thing as a modern apartment balcony holds, in terms of growing food, of daydreaming over the possibilities.

… of knowing that you have taken one step further in the direction of ensuring better health for yourself and your loved ones.

Got to love that feeling, right?


25 thoughts on “That Feeling…

  1. Wow…that is such an awesome kitchen garden you have TGND..
    I tried growing coriander and green chillies…but nothing came out of soil other than a few leaves.. 😦 it’s all my fault though, for lack of care for them..!


  2. You mentioned you have tomatoes too. I am growing them too but oh, these tiny green worms! 😭 I sprayed my plants with a chilli garlic mixture and I seemed to have burned the leaves off. It’s dried up with several green tomatoes. I feel so upset.


  3. Wow, wow and wow TGND 🙂
    All that green is so so beautiful and that feeling of growing all those veggies at home is indescribable 🙂
    Now that the hot summer is gone here, I should seriously try my hands at this !


  4. Wow! Love, love, love this! So inspiring. I really wasn’t the kind who had patience and discipline to water plants regularly, which i why I kept none. Slowly, I find myself changing as a person. I think I will actually like to take this on… someday maybe 🙂


    1. @Pepper

      Well, I must admit that I am kind of lazy with regards to watering too. In between Bubboo, trying to take care of my health, trying to do a little freelance work here and there, and taking care of home, I sometimes have no time to water the plants. So, whoever has the time does so – we all take turns, me, Amma, Appa and the OH. It works for us. Plus, the plants that we have are really low-maintenance.

      I hope this inspires you enough to set up at least a teeny-tiny kitchen garden. 🙂


  5. Oh wow, this is awesome! The coriander looks delicious. I can just imagine the lovely aroma 🙂

    I tried growing coriander and methi once but it didn’t survive for lack of sun. I’ve recently moved and I’m trying to grow basil now. *fingers crossed!* 🙂


  6. How lovely! I’ve tried growing spinach by just planting the roots of the bunches I bought in the market. The plants did quite well, though not as great as yours look. My problem is that my balcony doesn’t get any sunlight at all for about 4 months a year. This has discouraged me enormously in my gardening attempts.


    1. @Aruna

      Well, Bangalore doesn’t get much sunlight either, except for in the summer months. I don’t know where you stay, though. Sunlight hasn’t been a problem for our plants so far, I don’t know how, touchwood.

      Thank you! We used seeds for the spinach.


  7. Tgnd, what a lovely harvest. This is something i am dreaming to do as well but not sure how to begin. Only the greens as of now to start with. I read on internet but seems difficult to get the palak n coriander sprouting. Can you share any tips or info on this. I can email you


    1. @My Candid Side

      Thank you! 🙂

      Well, to be honest, we are just beginners. We are still experimenting, trying to figure out what works for us and what doesn’t. I will definitely share tips as and when I have any to share.

      As of now, we just used good, rich soil mixed with organic compost, filled pots with it, and sowed seeds a few centimetres below the top level. Watered the pots regularly – not too little, not too much either. And our balcony gets little sunlight every day, not much. Just that did the trick.


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