

Undhiyu is a kind of vegetable dish from Gujarat, typically made during winters to celebrate the abundance of fresh vegetables available in the market then. Traditionally, in Gujarati homes, it is made in a much more complicated way than the method I use – it is made in an earthen pot, with the vegetables being stuffed with masala and arranged in layers, then allowed to slowly cook over a chulha. My version is much more simple, and involves the use of a pressure cooker, but it tastes just as good as the traditional undhiyu, if not better.

I love undhiyu, and not making it at least once during the winter months is sacrilege for me – something that I continue to grumble about throughout the rest of the year. 🙂 Following my tradition, I made my version of the undhiyu last week, and it turned out super yummy!

Here’s the recipe I use, in case you are interested. This one is highly customised to individual tastes, so feel free to modify it according to your preferences.

Ingredients and method (makes 4-6 servings):

For the muthiya:

About 1 cup of besan

Salt to taste

Sugar to taste

A bit of finely chopped coriander leaves

A handful of finely chopped methi leaves

Red chilli powder to taste

Turmeric powder to taste

Oil to fry

Method: Take all the ingredients for the muthiya in a large bowl, except the oil. Add as much water as necessary to make a batter, which is just the right consistency for making little balls out of it and frying them. Heat the oil in a pan, and drop the balls of batter into it a few at a time. Deep fry them and keep them aside.

For the hara masala:

8-10 cloves of garlic, peeled

A fistful of fresh coriander leaves

About 3 tablespoons of coconut

2-3 green chillies

A 1-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled

Method: Grind everything together in a mixer, adding a little water. Keep aside.

Other ingredients:

Salt to taste

1 tablespoon of oil

Sugar to taste (alternatively, you can also use crushed jaggery)

Turmeric powder to taste

1 teaspoon of ajwain (omam)

Lemon juice to taste

1 teaspoon of mustard seeds

2 teaspoons of sesame seeds (til or yellu)

A pinch of hing (asafoetida)

Dessicated fresh coconut for garnishing (optional)

Red chilli powder to taste (optional)

Finely chopped fresh coriander leaves for garnish (optional)

About 3 large bowls of vegetables (chopped into large pieces) – you can use most vegetables here. I commonly use carrot, cauliflower, potatoes, elephant yam, brinjals, sweet potatoes, green peas, fresh pigeon peas (tuvar), broad beans (avarekkai). Ensure that you use a lot of pigeon peas and green peas, though, because that comprises the life of this dish. 🙂


1. Heat the 1 tablespoon of oil in a pressure cooker bottom (This is because I make this dish directly in the pressure cooker). Once the oil is hot, add the hing and mustard seeds. Let them splutter.

2. Add the sesame seeds and ajwain, and leave them in the oil for a second.

3. Add the hara masala and mix everything well together. Let it cook for a few minutes. Ensure that you do not overcook it, as this will lead to the undhiyu losing its delicious smell. 🙂 Also, you will be cooking everything together in the pressure cooker later, anyway.

4. Add the chopped vegetables and salt, sugar/crushed jaggery, red chilli powder (if using) and turmeric powder to taste. Mix well and let it cook for a few minutes.

5. Close the pressure cooker after adding 2 cups of water, from the sides. Give it 4 whistles. (I add just enough water for the vegetables to cook, as I do not like the curry too watery.)

6. Once the steam escapes and you are able to open the pressure cooker, add the lemon juice and muthiya to the vegetables. Mix well. Garnish with finely chopped, fresh coriander and dessicated coconut if you want to.

There, a healthier (comparitively), easier (comparitively) and yummy version of undhiyu is ready! Hot undhiyu goes extremely well with hot phulka rotis.

Note: Some people add the muthiya into the dish just before serving, as they tend to become soggy and lose shape if added immediately. I like adding them immediately, though, for I feel they absorb the flavours of the undhiyu very well that way, and taste yummier.

Go on, try this out and tell me how it turned out!

If you have any undhiyu tales of your own, please do tell! I would love to hear them! 🙂

47 thoughts on “Undhiyu

  1. I just had undhiyo at my cousin’s wedding in Mumbai last week and super -loved it. Wanted to hunt the chef for the recipe, you saved me the effort.. 🙂 I will try this out this weekend and let you know how it comes out for me! Thanks TGND!!


  2. Even though I am a pakki gujju girl, I dont like Undhiyu made by cooks in hotels. I love what my mom makes! Yours is a real close recipe! 🙂 Nostalgic!

    By the way, sugarless Undhiyu is more awesome. Contrary to popular belief we dont eat everything with sugar! So try with less salt and less sugar! and in place of garam garam eat chilled one! 😛 I love that way! You might like it!

    Undhiyu is made by two methods, one is fried and one is steam cooked. Cooks made by the first methods , but it is too tooo oily to even smell 😛 Home made undhiyu is a healthier options! 🙂 Like you said!


    1. @Bubblegum

      Hey there! Happy to have you here! 🙂

      I love home-made undhiyu, too, over store- or hotel-bought ones. I don’t like too much of oil in my food, and so, like making undhiyu this way. 🙂

      I eat undhiyu both cold as well as garma-garam. 🙂

      Having lived in Ahmedabad for most of my life, I am a mostly-Gujju myself. I totally understand that not everything that Gujjus eat is sweet – that is just a misconception. I like to add a hint of sugar/jaggery to the Gujju dishes that I cook at home, for the sake of nostalgia. 🙂


  3. While staying in Vallabh Vidyanagar, our landlady used to host Undhiyo parties, bajra thepla parties and also handwa parties. 😀 Foodwise, the two years spent there were the best in my life.

    I haven’t eaten Undhiyo for quite some time now. Will maska maarofy Amma today 😉


  4. I must say I have never made this dish, it always seems v. complicated. But I found your recipe simpler, and will surely make it. Getting all those ingredients at one time is another challenge for me. I also thought you need Surti papdi (flat beans) for this?


  5. Thanks TGND – I love and have always wanted to try cookign Gujarati food but somehow never got to do it. K and I are not too fond of sweetness in our otherwise spicy dishes (it is probably an aquired taste) and I think that has secretly played a part too. I would love to try this for its sheer simplicity and delectable appeal. I like the texture in the food – makes me want to make some phulkas right away (I make very very just-eatable phulkas btw) and eat it off. Probably they will help me hide the phulka mishaps to some extent 😛

    We have a long weekend (5 day) coming up and am definitely trying this ! Did I say thanks? 🙂


    1. @Kismi

      First off, I am super J. Here I am craving for a small travel, anywhere, unable to manage it, and you have a 5-day weekend!! Not fair, I say! 🙂

      I can totally understand about the acquired taste. The OH is not used mixing his sweet and spicy tastes, too, and hence, does not like undhiyu. On the other hand, I love it because I have always had my food that way. 🙂

      Do try this out sometime. Don’t forget to let me know how it turned out!

      You are most welcome! 🙂


    1. @Ashreyamom

      The laborious process is totally worth it, for the taste – I can assure you that. 🙂

      That said, this process is much less laborious than what is traditionally followed in Gujarati homes.


  6. You know I made undhiyo just once, 12 years ago when I was a new bride. It was such a disaster that it shattered my confidence for months on end….even now i feel I can’t tacke this dish. Have to get over the mental block first! 🙂 Your way sounds simple, maybe I just tried to make it using a more complex recipe? Can’t remember now.


  7. You know how the say, you can’t explain the taste of a mango to someone who’s ever eaten it? Do they say that, or just me? Anyway…

    The whole time I was reading about your Undhiyu, I was imagining the taste of hot Baingan Bharta with super-hot phulkas 😀


    1. @Su the writer

      LOL. It’s just you. This is the first time I have heard that saying. 😀 I like the saying, though, and am going to use it henceforth. 🙂

      I love baingan bharta with phulkas and parathas, too. 🙂


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