A little bit of me, behind my words…

Cupitonians tagged me to write about the real me – the person behind my words. Here are the questions she put to me, and my answers:

1) If you could solve one of the world’s problems, what would it be?

If I could solve any one of the world’s problems, I would solve the problem of lack of empathy. I would make each and every single person, whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, white or black, sensitive to the world around him/her, to the pain and suffering of others around him/her – not only his/her family but to everyone in general. That, I think, will solve most of the other problems.

2) What colour is your toothbrush?

It is white, with a design in blue and green.

3) Describe your perfect date.

My perfect date would be with the OH, at some place where there is a lot of silence, no crowd around us, with strains of light music and the sound of water and air floating to our ears. There should be greenery around us. Lighting would be dim. The food would be wonderful – with no alcohol. There has to be a lot of romance, pure love, filmi drama, jokes, laughter and a sense of timelessness. Maybe a dinner under the stars on a beautiful, old wooden table, in a well-maintained garden, with a waterfall or fountain nearby. 🙂

4) If you could pick any job in the world and everything else that would worry you about it could be sorted out, what would it be?

If everything else could be sorted out, I would love to be a magazine editor – of a lifestyle and travel magazine. I would have a decent package, loads of perks, a team to lead, and of course, loads of editing and other decisions to take. I would be travelling once in a while, to exotic destinations, writing long feature stories, at the magazine’s expense, of course. I would be working for myself, at my own pace, not bound by any constraints except those that I want to be bound by.

5) What is the best vacation you ever took? Why?

There have been loads. The most memorable ones would be the times we went to Ooty, Thailand and Pondicherry.

We went to Thailand for our honeymoon, and the trip is special for that very reason. Moreover, that was the first time I set foot on foreign soil – and I haven’t after that. (That said, I would LOVE to go back again to Thailand some time with the OH, stay in the same hotel, preferably in the same room, and go to the same places that we visited then!)

We visited Ooty a few months after marriage, and I loved the trip because I fell in love with the place. I loved the small-town feeling the place gave me, with its chocolate shops and horses and antique shops, and the natural beauty is to die for!

We went to Pondicherry for our first wedding anniversary, and the reason I loved the trip is the same as for Ooty – I fell for the place. I loved the atmosphere of Pondicherry, the food, the beach, the quaint hotels and cafes, and the loads of incense and handmade paper we brought back from there.

6) When you’re upset, what do you usually do?

I shut myself off for a bit. I cry, shout to myself, take a walk by myself, write, listen to music, read – do whatever it takes till I am sane enough to think rationally. Usually, by this time, I have a solution in my head. Then, I deal with the problem/person in question.

7) If you could have an engaging conversation with someone (dead, alive, fictional etc) who would it be? What are you dying to ask them?

I would love to have a conversation with Robert Kincaid, the protagonist of The Bridges of Madison County. I just love the book, and I love the character. He could just go on talking about the places he has travelled to, the people he has met, and his love – and I could go on listening. And, oh, I would love to learn photography from him!

8) If you could pack up and leave right now, where would you go?

I think I would go to the Maldives, if I could pack up and leave right now. I am in love with the place, thanks to TLC.

9) What is your hiding/ me place?

When I need some me-time, I go to a garden or a cafe or a mall or bookstore, and spend time by myself.

10)If you could have any wild animal as a pet, what would be bring home?

I am tempted to say ‘A dog’, but I know a dog is not really a wild animal. If I really have to bring home a wild animal, I would love to have a tiger or an elephant. I love both these animals. I don’t know how I would feed them, though!

11) Put a photo of the third book from the right on your bookshelf – technically not a question, still, humor me!

Here it is:

I have seen the movie, but have not read the book yet.

Thank you, Cupitonians! It was fun doing this on a Saturday morning! 🙂

27 thoughts on “A little bit of me, behind my words…

  1. hey I loved reading this. Especially the perfect date sounds awesome. I have been tagged by another blogger friend to do this tag. Of course the questions are different.
    Will be interesting to frame 11 new questions..:-)


  2. Loved this! Sure gave us a feel of you, behind your words 🙂

    I love your ideal job 🙂 The best of all worlds 🙂
    I haven’t read this book either – and for a change have watched the movie 🙂


  3. I have a very similar idea for the perfect date. And that is a very good book; you may not rate the movie much after reading the book. This tag seems a lot of fun; wud love to do something similar.


    1. @Archana

      Wow! Good to know that your idea of a perfect date is similar. 🙂

      I didn’t like the movie too much, but have heard that the book is really good. Will read it sometime soon, hopefully.

      Yes, doing this tag was quite a bit of fun. Let me know if you want to do it too, and I could tag you with 11 questions. 🙂


    1. @Double Inverted Commas

      Thank you! 🙂

      Well, the tag did mention that I needed to frame 11 new questions and tag 11 more people, but I didn’t know anyone who would be interested in doing this.

      If you are interested, I would be happy to tag you and frame 11 questions for you. Let me know. 🙂


  4. Was really nice knowing more about you 🙂 Empathy – so so true.
    I loved the honesty in your answers and the simple and beautiful you !

    Oh and I keep hearing a lot about Maldives esp. this week- sigh ! Some sign maybe ! 🙂
    I haven’t been to either of the places you mentioned but will keep a lookout ! 🙂


  5. Candid answers 🙂 Now I am tempted to click my bookshelf and put it up on my blog. 😀

    PS: Please, read the book and do tell us how it is. 🙂


  6. I loved ALL your answers! Especially the date idea – I hope some of your readers are inspired enough to take their OH’s for a romantic evening? Thank you SO much for participating. I hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I enjoyed reading it.


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