Of Bubboo And The Escaping Babyhood

Two tiny pearls,
I see, peeping out
From behind tiny pink lips

Smiles are even more beautiful now,
And my heart
Fills with warmth
And a sweet bitterness

All this beauty is mine
To be held dear and cherished
But isn’t babyhood escaping me
All too fast?

Yes, folks. Bubboo is officially teething. She is the proud owner of two beautiful little teeth now. All the more handy to attack her toys and Amma with, we say!

PS: It has been ages since I penned down something like poetry. I never thought it would be my daughter’s emerging teeth that would inspire me!!

PPS: Please to ignore the parts about the sweet bitterness and the babyhood escaping me all too fast. That is just a mom being overly sentimental. Bubboo is growing up fast, and fast becoming a person all her own, and I am learning to be happy with that.

10 thoughts on “Of Bubboo And The Escaping Babyhood

  1. I love those toothy smiles that babies give! My heart just melts at that. ❤
    Hope Bubboo is doing well with the teething. Lots of hugs and kisses to her. :-*


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