Scenes from a mango mandi

As I bite into a slice of a luscious Banganapalli mango, a pre-dinner and post-evening-walk snack, I realise I haven’t yet put up on my blog the pictures I took at the mango mandi in Shivajinagar last week.

It is a whole world out there in the mandi, with vendors loudly announcing the goodness of their products and offering samples to customers.

Customers haggle to get the best deal, and insist on choosing each one of the mangoes that they are buying, themselves.

Some vendors take a break for a cuppa chai or a quick snack or a quick round of conversation with fellow vendors.

There is a carnival-like atmosphere at the mandi, with much hustle and bustle.

There are piles and piles of yellow goodness all around, in myriad varieties. As if that is not tempting enough, the heady scent of mangoliciousness pervades the air.

I soak it all in, and try to capture as much as I can of the atmosphere in frames.

16 thoughts on “Scenes from a mango mandi

  1. hey i am also enjoying this season of mangoes having one everyday.. as i was threatened that after i deliver my little one, i will not allowed to eat for a year or so.. 😦


  2. you trying to make me jealous .. well let me tell you .. you have succeeded for sure ..

    😦 hmmmpppfffffff


  3. I am a mango-holic! Wonderful photos! These mango photos are truly extraordinary.
    I hope you and your readers will stop by my book blog as I am having a special giveaway (international). 🙂


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