I am curious….

I would love to have your opinions on The Girl Next Door.

What kind of author image does my blog conjure up in your mind? What kind of person do you think the author is in real life?

Any suggestions for the improvement of the blog that you feel like making?

Anything at all that you feel like saying?

Come on and drop in your valuable opinions in the comments box. Brickbats awaited!

56 thoughts on “I am curious….

  1. I found you because you left a comment at my blog. I love your “about” section and think it beautifully sums up the overall feeling of your blog. You seem to be a person who finds joy and wonder in life, so much in fact that it just spills over and good thing you have your blog for it to spill into! You have created a beautiful blog world here, most definitely.

    Once again, I am sorry that WordPress does not have “Followers” like Blogger has. I would follow your blog if I could. πŸ™‚


  2. What intrigued me about your blog was about a young person (obviously) writing very refined posts. That’s reflected in your book reviews, posts on your life, work etc, the poetry you pen – well chosen words, fine detailing and a very well written story or post. And a fun loving person too – who enjoys good things in life and works for the same. That’s my take.


  3. well here is my take:

    the name suggests: a girl just like any other girl,no frills and no laces!

    the personality of your blog: some place where you get to see nature, feel like coming to a cozy book corner and a place where a person shares her surface level life with everyone…

    the person behind the blog: a person who is thoughtful, simple, not over ambitious, loves to travel,read and nature, loves to eat, is in love with the husband, a family person, guarded, introvert yet friendly…one who is nice with words!

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ what do you think? how much is right?

    also, please to add your comments on my blog and me too..would love to read your take!


      1. oh and there is one suggestion regarding the blog appearance: Can you change the theme / font size ? right now it’s too small to clearly read…


  4. Tuscany Tuscany Tuscany is what is ringing in my mind… πŸ™‚ apart from that I initially felt you were a snob, later came to know you are just the opposite by constantly stalking your blog. I like your photography and your poetry more than anything else. Someone who writes on topics with fine detail.

    And I am backto hearing Tuscany in my head πŸ™‚


  5. A wonderful question that I guess rings in every (blog) writer’s mind πŸ™‚

    The first few things that come to my mind when I think of you are excellent, in depth book reviews, beautiful pictures of scenery around and birds and places, food….lots of it…I still remember how you had written about sending some on your successful cooking ventures to your family in Ahmedabad (it’s something I can never forget), a traveler at heart who loves soaking in the goodness of life, a romantic person, someone we all can relate to.

    You have a way with words that portrays how flexible, objective and open you are to learning, knowing the ways of the world yet clear headed enough to know your mind. Your writings have the power to create pictures in our minds.

    I absolutely love the way you love life and it shows well in your blog πŸ˜€

    As far suggestion on blog improvement, well, the current theme has a pretty small font making reading (both posts and comments) little difficult, please try a theme with a clearer and bigger font. Rest I love everything about this space πŸ˜€


  6. Similar to what other have said. Travel enthusiast, foodie, loves exploring things local. I also thought you must be in the writing line. Also feel you must be a very diplomatic sort of person, not the type to ruffle feathers. Is that right? πŸ™‚
    Btw everytime I come to ur blog, I see a few ads. Today it was makemytrip.com. Any way u can get rid of those?


    1. @Aparna

      Thank you so much for your opinions. πŸ™‚

      Yes, you could call me a diplomatic person. I steer away from confrontations and controversies as far as possible. At the same time, I can famously put my foot in my mouth. 😐 Talk about contradictions!!

      Ads?!! I haven’t had any placed, and no one else has ever told me about them before. I do not know how to remove them. 😦


  7. Why this sudden curiosity? πŸ™‚
    Well, I do think you are what your name says “The Girl Next Door”, a simple person who finds joy in even simple things in life… someone who loves life, who loves to explore their surroundings, very observant and also thoughtful about it, loves to read and dream about it, loves to travel…
    Your posts are simple and very heartfelt, I think all your readers are able to relate to some part of it. That is what brings me here πŸ™‚
    And I must say that you are lucky to have OH in your life. He seems to be as passionate about life as you are πŸ™‚


    1. @Lifesong

      Well, the question had been brewing in my mind for some time now. Just today, I felt comfortable enough to put it to you guys. πŸ™‚

      Thank you so much for the lovely words. I am so glad you enjoy my posts. πŸ™‚


  8. Wow!!! It takes courage to ask this question and that means you are courageous πŸ™‚
    You also are not afraid of trying new things, that way you seem to be having an adventurous streak…
    I also got an impression that you are passionate about people and things you like, e.g. family, your cities, Reading, Tuscany, nature…
    You have a good eye for photographs, that shows that you pay attention to details and are observant πŸ™‚
    In general you come across as a polite, fun loving person πŸ™‚


    1. @Techie2mom

      I am courageous in some respects, yes. In some other respects, I am a bheegi billi. Yes, I am a walking-talking contradiction. πŸ™‚

      Thank you so much for your observations. Appreciate them.


  9. Hey TGND,
    you come across as someone who takes pleasure in little things in life, a happy-go-lucky girl, someone with a good head on her shoulders and one that writes really well. You seem sincere and honest in whatever you take up or do.
    You are great at photography too!
    Btw, I liked the previous avatar of your blog. This one seems a tad plain to me πŸ™‚
    I lost touch with your blog for sometime in between. Now, I try to be regular here πŸ™‚


  10. Well now that is a good question, I am a no body to pass any sort statement on you or the blog..
    But I will say still its nice to come over and read what you write. Although o don’t see you visiting me often, I need to pick a bone with you on that.

    I like the name of your blog as it does feel that you are just next door, I can feel warmth .. you seem to be a lovely person and your blog displays that.

    Take care and keep writing…


    1. @Bikram

      Errrr.. this is not like passing judgement on me, Bikram. This is like asking friends for opinions and suggestions. Trust me. That is just what I had in mind when I came up with this post. πŸ™‚

      Thank you so much for the lovely words. I am glad you think so, and glad to like coming to my blog and read whatever I have to say, religiously.

      I know I don’t visit your blog often. I need to change that. πŸ™‚


      1. I know its not passing judgement , but i just feel not well equipped to say something ..

        I have enjoyed a bit of conversation we have had , os yeah i enjoy coming over πŸ™‚

        and YESSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss to the last line in ur reply


  11. TGND πŸ™‚

    You know what I’d say, right? πŸ™‚ If you don’t then I will have to send another long email across to you πŸ™‚ Even so, I will only be able to tell you how much I relate to you ! And I will assign the arduous task of inference to you πŸ˜›
    You remind me of the Ruskin Bond in me. Yes ! Of the travel-lover. Of the seeker of new things. Of the nature lover. Of the experimenter. Of the foodie. Of the in-love-with-hubby-always wife. Of the emotional and level headed person. Of someone who gets carried away (you know what I mean, don’t you?). Of someone who loves words. Poetry. Of someone who can be wary of certain things after certain experiences but will still keep an open mind as much as possible. Of one who loves life and embraces most of of all that comes along with it.
    Phew. For the rest, you know where to look for πŸ™‚

    Arey, I’d not touch a thing about you. Life’s good as it is. Any improvement if at all is something you’d know best, right? for me, making a change means changing the “The girl next Door” to “The girl in 7th Cross” or something like that. Okay, be the big heart and forgive the PJ, will you?


    1. @Kismi

      Awwww awwww awwwww

      I am all touched! πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for the lovely words! πŸ™‚

      BTW I was considering ‘The girl at 7th Cross’ or a similar name when I was trying to choose a name for my blog. πŸ˜€


  12. You know whats the first thing I am gonna ask, you havent given me an answer yet πŸ˜›

    Well, apart from that you draw up an image of a nature lover who is very observant. Based on your detailed analysis as well as crisp take on a variety of subjects, I would guess you have a writing job. And given a chance, you would spend any number of days in Tuscany πŸ˜›


    1. @Visha

      I knew you would ask about that – I really don’t know about that. Can’t come up with anything that suits me perfectly fine. πŸ™‚

      Detailed analysis? :O What, where, when? I think I have been an over-emotional person all along!

      Yes, you are right. I do hold a writing job. And I am indeed an ardent nature lover who adores observing the little things in life.

      And, yes, I would indeed spend any number of days in Tuscany – if I could afford it, that is. πŸ™‚


      1. Detailed analysis with respect to the book reviews πŸ™‚

        See..I am correct on so many accounts, how I wish this was a contest πŸ˜› πŸ˜›


  13. I am not saying anything…though I so want to…wait, Will send you a detailed mail πŸ™‚ Errr…thats regarding you..about the blog..nah nothing…I am half in love with your blog persona πŸ™‚


    1. @R’s Mom

      Awwww, RM. That’s so sweet of you! πŸ™‚

      I would love to read your detailed e-mail. When are you sending it across? Come on, pour your heart out. I am all ears (rather, eyes, in this regard!)


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