The cannonball tree

The ‘cannonball tree’ is one that can be spotted all over Bangalore.  The tree gets its name from its fruit, round and hard and thick-skinned, akin to a cannonball.

The scientific name of the tree is Couroupita guianensis, while ‘cannonball tree’ is its popular name. Some people also call it the ‘Shiva Linga tree’.

Standing below this tree can be a risky business, for obvious reasons – so one should steer clear of them. Unless, of course, one is taking photographs of the tree. 🙂

The ‘cannonballs’ burst when they are ripe, I am assuming, and out comes a shoot bearing a number of buds.

The buds open in time to reveal a uniquely shaped, pink flower, the shape of which gives the tree its popular name of ‘Shiva Linga tree’.

Wikipedia tells me that each of these flowers has exactly six petals, no more and no less.  Now, if that is not a miracle of God, tell me what is.

Have you seen this tree or smelled its flowers any time? If you haven’t, well,….. maybe it’s time to stop and take notice! 🙂

29 thoughts on “The cannonball tree

  1. I’ve never heard of this tree before–it’s completely new to me! (I hope you’re labeling all your tree posts: umbrella, cannonball, etc..)


    1. @Suko

      I’m glad you’re learning something new to you! 🙂

      I have been grouping all these posts under ‘Nature’. I haven’t been separately tagging each post by the name of that particular tree, if that is what you mean…


  2. You have a wonderful eye I must say, to look out for such beautiful flowers. There is a very pretty violet coloured flower blooming just two houses away from mine. Looks that one and this one are distant cousins

    P.S Did you study Botany 😛 😛 😛


      1. Hehe..good that you escaped studying…coz nature is teaching you well 😛

        Oh really, in that case I’ll post its pics very soon. They are so pretty that we keep them in the pooja room 🙂


    1. @Confused D

      Interesting things are there all over us, wherever we are. We just have to open our eyes and look at them. 🙂

      There I said that, at the risk of sounding like a gyaani aatma. 😀


  3. Wow! I have no clue about this tree..kuch nahi toh your blog is sure making me a botany expert *Looks smug and wonders how to show off to R on how smart her mom is*


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