Top 10 Books People Have Been Telling Me To Read

I came across an interesting weekly book meme on The Broke And The Bookish, called Top 10 Tuesday, and have decided to take it up. Hopefully, I’ll be posting every Tuesday.

toptentuesdayThe topic for this week is: Top 10 books people have been telling you that you must read.

Here goes my list.

 1. The Elegance Of The Hedgehog by Muriel Barberry and Alison Andersen

Quite a lot of my bookish friends have recommended this book to me. They say it is an awesome book, one that will make you stop and think, and one that I will be able to relate to. I even have this book with me but, somehow, have never got around to reading it.

2. Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen

Yes, you read that right. I haven’t read THE Pride And Prejudice. I haven’t read any classics, actually, to be precise. Life just happened for me that way. A lot of people have told me that I should read at least this one classic book. If you read only one classic in your entire life, let it be Pride And Prejudice, I’ve been told.

3. The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

This is an extremely beautiful book about books, one that book lovers will absolutely adore, I’ve been told. More than one blog friend has recommended this book to me. Another book that, somehow, I haven’t picked up in spite of a great many recommendations.

4. Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple

Almost all the book bloggers that I read have highly recommended this one. It is beautifully written, they say, and brings out the complexities of human relationships wonderfully. I don’t think I am ready to read this one yet, though.

5. The Storied Life Of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

This is one more book that has been recommended by almost all of the book bloggers I read. It is a book about books and book lovers, empathy and the power of love, and is apparently heart-wrenchingly beautiful. However, I am afraid all the hype has spoiled the book for me. I even picked up the book a couple of times in bookstores, but didn’t buy it. I have the feeling it is not going to be all that special for me. I’ve heard this one has pulled out a lot of people from the reading slumps they have been in. So, I might just give it a try some time soon.

6. The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

Yet another book that has been recommended by almost everyone in book blog-land, something I have not read yet. I’ve been told it is a wonderful story, one that will tug at my heart. Another book that I don’t feel ready to read yet.

7. The Taj Mahal Trilogy by Indu Sundaresan

Consisting of The Twentieth Wife, The Feast Of Roses and The Shadow Princess, this trilogy has been recommended to me time and time again. I read The Shadow Princess about a year back and loved it too, but I haven’t been in the mood to read the rest of the series, yet.

8. The Secret Lives Of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

A couple of blog friends whose reviews I trust have told me to read this one. Apparently, it is hauntingly beautiful, and is all about the bond between mothers and daughters. Again, I don’t think I am ready to read this book, yet.

9. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

I don’t need to elaborate on the huge number of Harry Potter fans in blogosphere, do I? This series has been much-loved, and much-recommended. I am not a big fantasy fan, though, and the first book of the series that I read didn’t particularly charm me. I didn’t go on to read the rest of the series.

10. Persepolis: The Story Of A Childhood by Marjane Satrapi

I’ve been told that this is a book that will capture my heart, for sure, as it is about a little girl growing up in a highly conservative environment, trying to fight her circumstances. I have this graphic novel with me – I have had it for quite some time now, actually – but haven’t read it yet. I don’t know anything about the history the book depicts, so I think I should read up on it first before I pick this one up. That hasn’t been happening since oh-so-long!

Tell me, what are the books you have been highly recommended of late? I would love to know!

34 thoughts on “Top 10 Books People Have Been Telling Me To Read

  1. One awesome post this is TGND! I have read, Pride and Prejudice, Persepolis, Harry Potter and The Shadow of the Wind and loved every one of them! 🙂 I hope you get to strike them off your list soon.
    and, Pride and Prejudice – is awesome. Like, super awesome! 🙂


  2. Intriguing list, want to read most of them myself. Thought I do also chime in.
    And P&P is not ‘classicky’ at all, if you know what I mean. Its light and fresh and kind of awesome 😉
    And HP does improve over time…triggered some all night reading sessions way way back.
    Bernadette didn’t work of me. It was impressive in the beginning, then somehow fails do live up.
    Recently read Zoya Factor, loved it. Laugh out loud funny and totally Indian.
    Also would really recommend Em and the Big Hoom,



  3. (WP didnt allow me any further replies in the chain above… )

    Ah, we didnt have a choice in the matter of all those language and lit courses, can imagine it would have been a little much for those who didnt enjoy them.

    i used to blog ages ago, don’t have a blog anymore…


    1. @Musicofchance

      I wouldn’t have had any choice too, if I had taken up Arts. I took up an entirely different stream (Commerce), so didn’t get much of a chance to explore English Literature. Later, when I got hooked to reading, I started with contemporary fiction and haven’t read any classics till date.


    1. @Popgoesthebiscuit

      I know there are loads of fans of Harry Potter around here. 🙂 Will see if I can pick up the series some time, though I am not sure I will.

      Where’d You Go, Bernadette? is on my must-read list, too, though not immediately.


  4. I’ve read 5 on your list. The HP series have given me hours and hours of pure joy so I have to press you to read them.
    Where’d you go Bernadette I read for bookclub and enjoyed . The writing is delightful , heav


  5. this is one interesting tag, I think I am going to pick it up right away 🙂
    I think reading Classics spoils one’s taste and thereafter the tolerance for random books goes down! But give it a try is all I would say 🙂


    1. @Melee

      Please do take it up. Would be fun to read your version. 🙂

      I guess you are right in what you say about Classics. I know many who read only Classics – none of the contemporary books seem to appeal to them. I will, indeed, give Classics a try, don’t know when, though. 🙂


      1. I am actually trying to read more contemporary now and I have loved many if not all. Like Where’d You Go, Bernadette? was quite a funny read. You break my heart when you say no to Harry Potter, but if you didnt like the book 1 there is nothing in later books to make you love them either.


  6. I haven’t read Pride and Prejudice either so you are not alone on that one! I’m not really a classics type of person so haven’t read any.
    As a totally Harry Potter obsessed nut job it does make me sad that you haven’t read the Harry Potter series. However I get that its not for everyone so I’m not going to be mean, I’ll just go and sit in a corner and cry instead 😥
    The Rosie Project! It wasn’t recommended to me but I have had it on my TBR for a while and really do want to and should read it!
    Happy Reading! 🙂


    1. @Broc’s Bookcase

      Welcome here!

      I am not really a classics sort of person, either. I haven’t read any. I didn’t study English Literature in school, so didn’t have to read any classics. I am not too keen on reading them now, but at least want to read a couple.

      Rosie Project – I do want to read it. Maybe not now.

      HP Series – Somehow, not too enamoured with it. Maybe, if the time is right, the series will be read.

      Happy reading to you, too! 🙂


      1. new reader to your blog, so hello! as someone who revelled in a Hindi and English literature-laden syllabus in school (and who wishes there was more :), i was intrigued by your comment about not having English lit in school, was that a choice you could make or was the syllabus designed so? or was it just skimming the surface? (i hope you’ll excuse my curiosity)

        recommendations…. off the top of my head Em and the Big Hoom (Jerry Pinto), Wave (Sonali Deraniyagala) – not read, but heard loads of good stuff about. Also, stuff by John Banville and oh-my-god Julian Barnes (i adored Levels of Life – do read that one!)


      2. @Musicofchance

        It was a choice I made – not having English Lit in school. I am a commerce post-graduate, so had only basic English in school and college. I loved it, though, and later realised I should have taken up Arts. 🙂 I would have been much happier, maybe. Your curiosity is excused. 🙂

        Welcome here, and thanks for all those suggestions.

        Can you leave your blog link, too, please?


  7. I am so glad I’m not the only one who has the Harry Potter series on my list. I wish I had more time to sit down and read all the books recommended to me. Happy Reading!


  8. Quite an interesting list. I haven’t read many of those either. The Harry Potter series is one I avoided all through school and college…and somehow, I picked it up randomly one day and couldn’t stop. The woman writes exceptionally well. Pride and Prejudice is also an interesting read. You might consider giving it a try.

    I have been recommended The Goldfinch. Often. I somehow never get around to picking it up. Have you read it?


  9. whoa, I’ve ready only one from the above list… The Shadow of the wind, sigh, there are so many books to read in this world, where is the time, where is the time?



    1. @Cupitonians

      I’m guessing you have been recommended watching the movie way too many times, while you loved the books?

      I don’t even know what the books are about! Will look them up, definitely.


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